Add Audio Files To Your Web Page
You can add a sound file that plays automatically when your web
page is opened with the <EMBED SRC="sound.wav"> tag. You
can use the EMBED SRC tag along with the BGSOUND SRC
tag to make sure that your background sound plays for visitors to
your web site whether they are using Netscape or Internet
Explorer to view your page.
<EMBED SRC="sound.wav" AUTOSTART="True"
<BGSOUND SRC="sound.wav">
The HIDDEN="True" part of the EMBED tag will play the sound
as a background sound in Netscape.
Instead of adding a background sound to your web page, you
may want to opt for adding a link to a sound file. To create a link
to your sound file, first pick a sound file you wish to use. In the
example below, I've chosen a sound file "welcome.wav"
<A HREF="welcome.wav">Click here to listen to my
We have intentionally kept this first class very simple to ensure that the basic concepts are understood before moving on. We will cover 8 HTML tags, some file naming conventions on the Web, and end with uploading the page to the XOOM server by showing you how to use an FTP tool.
This class is also offered in our online chat room every tuesday evening.
Here is what you need to take the class:
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is simply a set of standardized tags that web browsers read and then interpret for displaying the Web page. If you ever have used the older desktop publishing programs, the HTML tags work in the same fashion.
All HTML tags start and end with the lesser than and greater than keys used as brackets, for example:
Most HTML tags use a beginning and ending tag, for example:
Let's learn by doing and get started!
My Homepage
Here is the explanation of what we have just
<HTML> identifies
the page as an HTML document;
<HEAD> tells
the browser that the header information will be appearing;
<TITLE> tells
the browser what to show in the title bar of the browser (it's the top
bar of the browser);
"My Homepage" will
appear in the top bar of the browser;
</TITLE> ends
the title entry;
</HEAD> ends
the header entry.
One of the questions often asked here, is whether it is necessary to use all capital letters. We recommend that you do for the simple reason that if you are trouble shooting your page, the capital letters in the tags will make them easier to spot and therefore help you find a problem sooner. However, technically, you do not need to use all capitals. Whatever you decide to do, try to be consistent.
Welcome to My Homepage!
<BODY> tells
the browser that the body of the page or document is next;
<H1> tells
the browser that the headline size 1 is to be used;
"Welcome to My Homepage!" will
appear in large text;
</H1> ends
the headline entry.
There are six levels of headlines, 1 being the largest and 6 the smallest. You can use the different sizes to indicate subtopics for your page if you have a lot of text. As a design issue, we recommend that you only use the headlines for dividing up pages and to keep the headlines fairly brief.
This is my homepage and it is in the beginning
stages. When I learn more, I will add information about my interests, hobbies,
or business.
<P> tells
the browser there is a new paragraph and immediately enters the text following
"This is my home page ..." will
continue as a single paragraph.
You can enter in more text if you would like. Be sure to use <P> to separate your paragraphs. The text from a paragraph will continue as one block of text until the browser encounters another <P> or headline tag.
It is important to note that browsers ignore what is called "non-blank spaces" or "white space". In other words, if you are typing along and you hit the return key for a paragraph break, if you don't insert the <P> into your web page, the browser will run the two paragraphs together as if they were one. The browser will also ignore the double spaces between sentences.
Another common question we receive is how to line up text in a paragraph. This will be covered in the tutorials section when we have the Tables tutorial written. Browsers ignore the TAB marks so you need to learn how to do tables in order to align text.
Enter the following on separate lines:
Final Recap:
</BODY> closes
the body of the page;
</HTML> closes
the HTML.
Click on your text window now to make sure it is the active window.
For now, it is important to follow these simple rules:
If you are in Windows, save your
file as index.htm
If you are in Windows95 or on the Mac,
you can save your file as index.html
The .htm or .html is required by the browser to indicate a web page. While you can use either one, it is a good idea to be consistent.
Most web servers accept the file name "index.htm" or "index.html" as the default home page.
Make sure you close your file now and note which directory you have saved your file. This makes sure their are no file conflicts when you upload your file.
At this time, your web page is just a file on your hard drive. To transfer the file to the server, we use an FTP tool. Don't be alarmed, all FTP stands for is File Transfer Protocol. Simply put, is the way to copy files from your hard drive to the server or from the server to your hard drive.
Open your FTP tool and login to the XOOM server.
In WS-FTPLE you need to enter in the following information:
You can also review the uploading steps for the WS-FTPLE tool and some Netscape products by going to our Homepage Help Center Tutorials page.
All you need to do is double click on your browser to open it up and enter in your URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the Address bar in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Location bar in Netscape Navigator. Your URL is your web address.
Your URL at XOOM is:
Where MemberName is the name you use to
log on.
Remember, your Mcreen Name is case-sensitive
too. If your Member Name is bob, all in lowercase, then your URL will be However, if your screen name is Bob, with
the capital "B", then your URL will be
The goal of this class is to show you how to put the "hyper" into hypertext. The ability to use links to other pages, pictures, sounds, and other resources, is what makes the Web so exciting and powerful. By the end of this class you will be able to have links to other pages, have pictures in your pages, and even be able to display images in your pages that are somewhere else on the Web. We'll also show you how to have a link for people to send you email from your homepage so you can have feedback from visitors.
In this class session we will cover the <A HREF>, <IMG SRC> tags and the mailto: function.
The <A HREF> tag is actually a combination of Anchor and Hypertext REFerence, and is used to link to other files on the web. When your visitor clicks on the link, it will take them to the page you want them to go to.
<IMG SRC> is the Inline Image tag, and is used to display .jpg or .gif graphic files in your homepage.
We need to cover a little about "paths" in HTML and you will see how this works in practice. A path in HTML tells the browser where to go to find the resource you want to use. A resource in this case could be a web page, graphic file, sound file, or even a file for downloading. As you will see, file names and directories are case-sensitive.
Let's look at this example:
This would actually appear (or display) in
your homepage like this:
XOOM Examples
As you can see, the words "XOOM Examples" show as underlined in the browser and this indicates that it is a hyperlink (a clickable link). We will try to be consistent and call it a link for our tutorials at XOOM.
When someone clicks on the words "XOOM Examples", the link tells the browser:
Learning Links, Images, and Email for
my Web page
This first section doesn't have a recap since it is covered in the first class.
Enter the following on separate lines:
Anchor Lesson
My first link will follow this line:
<A HREF="">This
is my first link.</A>
Here's what we're doing:
"<A HREF=" starts
the anchor and hyperlink;
shows the URL of the homepage that you want
the browser to go to;
"This is my first link." is
the text that will be highlighted as the clickable link.
"</A>" closes
the anchor.
The example we used is for linking to the xoomhelp page on the XOOM server. However, you can link to anyone's page on the Web if you have the full URL. As a matter of courtesy, we recommend that you get permission though if you would like to link to someone else's site. Most often they will love to have the extra traffic from your site.
If you are linking to pages on your personal website, it is a slightly shorter URL because you do not have to spell out the full URL. This is because you are specifying a file in your directory (or directories) on your webserver. If the browser does not see the A HREF pointing to a file server it will look in the directory that is specified. In this case, it assumes that the file is in the home directory since a subdirectory is not listed.
In the first example, the A HREF to the full
URL to the firstlink.html page is:
<A HREF="">This
is my first link.</A>
However, if I am the member known as xoomhelp,
then I can shorten the A HREF to:
<A HREF="firstlink.html">This is my
first link.</A>
It is extremely important to remember that
file names and directory names on the Web are case-sensitive. The use of
upper and lower case letters must match exactly if you want to link to
them. For example, if the firstlink.html file was spelled Firstlink.html
then our link would have to be:
<A HREF="Firstlink.html">This is my
first link.</A>
Image Source Lesson
My first image will appear below:
<IMG SRC="">
Here's what we just did:
"<IMG SRC=" tells
the browser that an inline image should be placed in this line;
is the path to a graphic in the xoomhelp directory
at XOOM.
Most often, your graphic will be in your own directory which really shortens the path. It will follow the same rules that we described above about linking to a file in your own part of the webserver. For example, using the member name xoomhelp, the path to the image would be:
<IMG SRC="xoomlogo.gif">
On separate lines, enter the following:
Image Source and Link Lesson
I'm learning how to link an image to a
SRC="" BORDER=0></A>
Here's our recap:
<"A HREF="">"
shows the full path to the page to which we
want to link;
"<IMG SRC=""
BORDER=0>" shows the path to image we
want to use as the link; the BORDER=0 is used to prevent the border from
displayed around the image when it is used as a link;
"</A>" closes
the anchor!
On separate lines, enter:
Email Lesson
<A HREF="">Your
name here</A>
Here's the final recap of the class!
"A HREF=" starts
the anchor link;
calls to the mailer and tells it to send the
email message to that Internet mail address. Make sure you replace the
"screenname" and "" with your email address. "Your
name here" is the clickable link;
"</A>" closes
the anchor!
Now we need to finish with the last two tags and get ready to upload the file.
Enter the following on separate lines:
If you do save this class as index.htm or index.html, you will overwrite your original page when you upload it to the server. You can save your file as class2.htm or class2.html (or any other name you may want) if you do not want to overwrite your original homepage at this time.
Now ftp them to the server and check out your work!
To create an email link, use the following html:
<A HREF="">Send me Mail</A>
If you wish, you can also add a subject line to the mailto tag as follows:
<A HREF=" your subject here">Send
me Mail</A>
It's important to note, that not all browsers will support the use
of the subject line.